Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


• Students are expected to attend classes daily unless prevented by illness or other emergency.
• Under ordinary circumstances, the school does not approve of absences for such things as haircuts, studying for other courses, early vacation, part-time jobs, etc.
• Any unexplained absence is a truancy. It us the student’s responsibility to verify to the teacher and to the office legitimate absences immediately upon returning to school.
• If a student has to leave during the school day or if they feel ill, they are to report to the office. A note or phone call from a parent/guardian is required to excuse the student from school.
• Students will be considered truant if they leave the school or classroom without permission.

Linkage to Success
• Good attendance is essential for a student’s success.
NOTE: Under the Education Act, the Principal determines the legitimacy of a student’s absence. The only acceptable reasons for absence are illness or unavoidable cause (as approved by the principal). It is the duty of the parent/guardian or independent student to ensure regular school attendance.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• detention(s) from teacher
• parent or guardian is informed
• attendance counsellor becomes involved if student is under 16
• vice principal becomes involved
• suspension for persistent truancy
• removal from class
• removal from the school roll
• missed evaluations will be completed immediately upon return
• truancy on a day of a sporting event or dance will make the student ineligible to participate


Students are expected to be courteous and respectful towards presenters and guest speakers during auditoriums or presentations. Hats and electronic devices are not permitted during presentations.

Linkage to Success

Auditoriums and presentations are a wonderful opportunity for you to learn from others with different view points, experiences and specialities. The presenter’s views may not be the same as a student’s, but students must respect their right to speak in a safe and respectful environment.

Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices

Students will be removed from the auditorium or presentation and will be required to write a letter of apology to the presenter and organizers. Further consequences can include detentions, suspensions, a behavioural contract, or removal of auditorium privileges.


Students who come to school dances expect to have a fun and safe time.

Students are not to come to dances while under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

Student clothing, behaviour and dances must be appropriate while at the school.

Students are expected to attend all classes on the day of a dance.

Linkage to Success
• When under the influence of drugs or alcohol, students often make decisions that are harmful to their health and safety and that are detrimental to the tone and safety of the school.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Being under the influence of alcohol will result in a mandatory suspension.
• Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will result in mandatory suspension and possible police involvement.
• In both of the above cases, students will be suspended from school dances for one year.
• Truancy from a class revokes dance privileges.

• Students are expected to dress in a manner which reflects the educational nature of KINGSTON COLLEGE. Clothes with offensive or inflammatory language or graphics are unacceptable. Personal property such as clothes, backpacks, or car bumper stickers must comply with the school expectations. Revealing or suggestive clothing is inappropriate in a learning community.
• Backpacks are not permitted in the classroom. Students must bring only the material they require to class.
Linkage to Success
• School is not a place for revealing or suggestive clothing. Appearance and behaviour reflect good judgement and respect for self and others. All head gear, with the exception of hats (bandanas, hoods, etc.), must be removed when inside the school, except where required for religious or medical reasons.
• No headgear is permitted during any school activity.
• Headgear within the classroom or library is at the discretion of the teacher.
• Backpacks are a health and safety issue and restrict the flow of pedestrian traffic.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Students will be asked to change into more appropriate clothes.
• Persistent noncompliance with the dress code will result in further consequences (detentions or suspension).
• The administration, in consultation with the teacher, will make all decisions about the dress code.

• The possession, distribution, and/or use of alcohol or illicit drugs are NOT permitted in the school premises, regardless of age.
• Smoking is not permitted in the school, in the school bus, or at school sponsored activities.
Linkage to Success
• Students under the age of 19 are forbidden by law to use alcohol and tobacco products.
• The illegal use of drugs and alcohol is dangerous to health and can lead to bad behaviour which is detrimental to the tone and safety of the school.
• To enhance student learning, KINGSTON COLLEGE, Ibadan strongly discourages any behaviour that is detrimental to the healthy growth and development of students.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Being under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol will result in a mandatory suspension. Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will result in mandatory suspension.
• Providing minors with alcohol and/or trafficking in illegal drugs will result in a mandatory expulsion.
• Students who smoke in the school premises are subject to a range of consequences such as warnings, in-school disciplinary action, possible suspension, and/or fines levied as per the Ontario Tobacco Control Act and the Compliance Officer.

• Fighting and/or the possession of weapons will not be tolerated.
• Weapon replicas will be treated in the same manner as real weapons.
• Objects used to inflict damage or injury will be treated as weapons.
Linkage to Success
• Society expects that conflicts be resolved by peaceful means. This protects the physical and mental well being of each individual and promotes a positive and safe school environment.
• Possession of weapons is restricted by law. Inflicting injury constitutes assault and police will become involved. Criminal charges may be laid.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• All fights will result in suspension. The police may be contacted depending on the nature of the altercation.
• Committing physical assault that causes bodily harm will result in a mandatory expulsion.
• Police will be called upon to investigate all incidents involving weapons or suspected possession of weapons.
• Possessing a weapon will lead to a mandatory expulsion. Using a weapon to cause or threaten bodily harm will result in a mandatory expulsion. HALLS
• Only students with hall passes are permitted in the halls.
• Hall passes are a privilege.
• Students who have a study period/spare must be in the library, atrium, or cafeteria. They must obtain a hall pass from the office in order to go to their locker. Students are not permitted to visit or disrupt other classes.
Linkage to Success
• Noise and activity in the hallways are distracting to students in the classroom.
• The wise use of study periods leads to academic success.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Persistent non-compliance to requests to vacate the halls will result in detentions and/or loss of privileges.

• Students are expected to be courteous and considerate in dealings with other students. The following behaviours are not acceptable:
– physical, verbal, written, electronic, sexual, or psychological abuse
– bullying or intimidation
– swearing or other inappropriate language
– discrimination on the basis of race, culture, language, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or any other personal attribute
– “horseplay” in the halls, classes, and school property; throwing snowballs
• Electronic harassment on or off site is prohibited.
Linkage to Success
• Every student has the right to a safe and peaceful school environment and has a corresponding responsibility to refrain from any behaviour which threatens the mental and/or physical well being of other students at KINGSTON COLLEGE, Ibadan.
• Harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated. Uninvited remarks, gestures, sounds or actions that make one feel unsafe, degraded or uncomfortable are unacceptable at all times.
• Respectful behaviour and appropriate language are essential in the resolution of conflicts with others.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Threats to inflict serious bodily harm will result in a mandatory suspension and police involvement.
• Parents of students under 18 will be involved in all such cases.
• Sexual harassment is illegal and will not be condoned at KINGSTON COLLEGE, Ibadan. Suspension can result and police will be involved. Sexual assault will result in a mandatory expulsion.
• Shoving, poking, pushing, throwing snowballs, and other such horseplay can result in detention or suspension.
• Swearing or objectionable language on school property or at scheduled school activities can result in detention or suspension.
• Any harassment may result in suspension and police involvement.

• Electronic devices such as, but not restricted to, cell phones, pagers, digital cameras, and video devices are not to be used during class time and/or scheduled school activities. These devices must be turned off during all school-related activities. Audio electronic playing devices may be allowed in the classroom, at the discretion of the teacher, but are prohibited during tests and exams.
• Cell phones may not be used as a calculator.
• Cell phones are to be off and not visible during class time.
• All electronic devices are prohibited in the auditorium.
Linkage to Success
• Electronic devices compete for students’ attention. To enhance student learning, the use of these devices is restricted to appropriate times.
• It is disrespectful not to give a presenter your complete attention.
• Some electronic devices interfere with the electronic devices being used for presentations.
• Notes can be recorded and/or stored on electronic devices.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• Possible removal of the device to be returned at a later time.
• Referral to the vice principal.
• Detentions.

• Students are expected to be in class and ready to work by the second bell.
Linkage to Success
• Punctuality shows respect for other people’s learning. When students are late for class, they disrupt the right of others to an education.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• 1st and 2nd unexplained or unacceptable lates in a month – teacher discusses lateness with student
• 3rd and subsequent lates – teacher assigns detentions
• 4th late – teacher contacts parent/guardian
• 5th late – VP becomes involved and parents/guardians are involved
• 6th and subsequent lates – VP assigns in-school suspensions.

• Students are expected to treat school property with care and respect. This includes: school grounds, buildings, equipment, textbooks, lockers, transportation vehicles, and the possessions of others.
• All students are to abide by the regulations established by the school for conduct on school buses and on school field trips.
• Lockers are the property of the school. The school has the right to enter/inspect lockers when the safety or welfare of the school is involved. Use only your assigned locker and secure it with a Dudley lock. Any other type of lock will be removed. The lock combination must be filed with the office. Lockers must be kept clean and free of graffiti and offensive material. You are responsible for the contents of your locker. Linkage to Success
• Every student has the right to learn in a clean, orderly school environment and has the responsibility to treat school property with care and respect. The school building and its contents are private property supported by tax dollars. The exorbitant cost of vandalism is often assumed by the taxpayer.
• School custodians are hired to maintain the school building. They are not responsible for cleaning up messes deliberately made by others. By working together with the custodial and cafeteria staff, you can maintain a pleasant environment in which to eat lunch.
• The use of the school bus is a privilege, not a right. Students are responsible to the principal for their conduct while on the school bus. Unruly behaviour on the bus presents a danger to all passengers. The school bus driver has the same authority as a teacher to control the behaviour of students.

• Students are expected to follow the rules of the school and the directions of the staff. When asked to do something by a staff member, students are expected to do it courteously and co-operatively.
• Students are expected to give their name in a courteous manner when asked by staff members.
• When asked to leave the classroom by a teacher, students are to report to the office directly or wait by the classroom door for further instructions.
Linkage to Success
The KINGSTON COLLEGE community is made up of custodians, cafeteria staff, administrators, secretaries, teachers, educational assistants, students, parents, and volunteers.
• Teachers and other school staff have been granted authority under the Education Act to promote academic diligence and proper behaviour among students.
• The KINGSTON COLLEGE staff work diligently to make the students’ high school years enjoyable. They deserve courtesy and respect.

• All non-student visitors are expected to report to the main office.
• Parents are visitors.
Linkage to Success
• The school must be a safe community for students, staff, parents and guests.
• All visitors must be approved by the office.
Possible Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
• The student is responsible for the behaviour of their guest.
• Visitors that are not approved are considered trespassers and can be charged.

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